I've lost the serial number to open logic pro 8 on my mac pro. I no longer have the packageging that it came in, (So..I'm stuck!) Is there someone in the logic community that can help me retrieve my serial number? Any help would be sufficient.
Logic Pro 8 Serial Number Mac
1) If you still have your old comoputer and Logic Studio 2/Logic Pro 9 is installed on it.. Open up Logic and go to the Logic Pro menu option and choose About Logic and you will find your serial there (Assuming you bought the full version of Logic 9 DVD) If you bought the upgrade version of Logic Pro 9 then you will also need your Logic 8 serial as well..... which can be obtained the same way if you retained the original copy of Logic 8 on your old Mac.
If you bought your full version of Logic 9 from the App Store you don't need a serial (as it uses your existing Apple ID and Password to authenticate) and can simply open the App Store App on your new Mac, navigate to the purchased tab and redownload Logic 9 from there.
So I just upgraded to Logic 9 from Logic 8 Big Box, just bought it at the Apple store for $199. I can't find my old serial number and I can't even open Logic 8 to pull down the "About Logic" tab from the menu to retrieve. This is usually how I find my serial numbers. I realize now this is not a good system. SO my mail question is:
Is my old serial number somewhere embedded in a file on my computer? When I right click on logic and click "show content packages, I see a lot of folders. Is the serial number somewhere in there? The original Box that Logic 8 came in is in another state in storage. Help.
Contact Apple support and collect any and all receipts or purchase information you might have. The WiFi and Bluetooth and other serial numbers might help establish the serial number unless the machine was assembled or repaired with parts from several machines.
The DATEVALUE function converts a date that is stored as text to a serial number that Excel recognizes as a date. For example, the formula =DATEVALUE("1/1/2008") returns 39448, the serial number of the date 1/1/2008. Remember, though, that your computer's system date setting may cause the results of a DATEVALUE function to vary from this example
Excel stores dates as sequential serial numbers so that they can be used in calculations. By default, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, and January 1, 2008 is serial number 39448 because it is 39,447 days after January 1, 1900.
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Every Mac device has a serial number that tells its unique story. Mac serial numbers can show information such as purchase, manufacturing, or configuration details. However, they can also be a security risk when left unprotected.
Serial numbers are printed or engraved on the underside of your iMac, MacBook, or Mac Mini. This method is the fastest method to check your serial number without having to open or log into your device. Your Mac serial number is engraved or printed near the regulatory markings that include the FCC numbers and assembly details.
If you can start up your Mac, click the Apple icon > About This Mac to quickly open your Mac overview. Your Mac serial number will appear on the last line below Graphics.
Alternatively, you may check your serial number alongside information such as your processor, number of cores, and hardware UUID. Hold down the Option key while clicking the Apple icon > System Information.
For those familiar with the Terminal, this is also a quick way to access your Mac serial number. To find your serial number using this method, open Terminal from the Applications folder or typing Terminal in Spotlight.
Should you not have access to your physical device, the serial number is also visible through the Apple ID website. Log in to your Apple ID account, then scroll to the Devices section.
Mac devices with a history of repair by authorized service centers should have serial numbers included with the documentation. The Genius Bar automatically sends these details to the email associated with your Apple account.
Serial numbers are important because they contain details that are relevant for warranty, repair, and replacement. With multiple Mac models available in the market, a serial number helps repair centers find the relevant parts necessary to fix your Mac.
Additionally, serial numbers help verify your Apple warranty coverage. Serial numbers are required for assessment and payment purposes when scheduling a repair on the Apple website. Warranty coverage is also essential if you plan to buy or sell a second-hand Mac.
In 2021, Apple moved towards randomized serial numbers. Serial numbers for all new Mac devices are now random strings of 8-14 alphanumeric characters. While the official reason for doing so remains undisclosed, it is suspected Apple has done that to help resolve issues with registration and security.
At first glance, serial numbers do not appear to be all that important. However, they can be used with malicious intent if not protected. Serial numbers contain information that is used to gain access to your Apple ID account, so it is best to keep it under wraps if you can.
Avoid giving anyone your serial number unless necessary. Do not post serial numbers online or share them with unauthorized personnel. When used for official verification with Genius Bar or authorized repair staff, send only through official emails or in person.
Issues such as battery bloating, brightness issues, or loose keys can also happen due to product manufacturing defects beyond your control. Knowing your serial number helps with identifying if your Mac is included as one of the affected models by product recalls.
The Apple Serial Number Search tool developed by the cryptanalysts here at Beetstech can help you to uncover a whole lot more info about your Apple device. This tool not only lets you look up Apple devices by serial number, but it returns all compatible parts, and even allows searching by other criteria like EMC number, model identifier, and model number. Additionally, this tool lets you find Apple parts by searching the Apple Part Number, a part number printed on the component, or any combination of keywords you can think of.
Each manufacturing location is represented at the start of the serial number by a different alphanumeric code. Apple manufactures their devices in a variety of locations, and unfortunately not not all location codes are known, but the following is a mostly complete list of codes and their corresponding factories:
The year and week of manufacture are also represented by an alphanumeric code which is, fortunately, easier to decipher. The fourth character of the serial number represents both the year the device was manufactured in, and whether the device was manufactured in the first or second half of the year. The following table shows how to interpret the fourth character:
Decoding the serial numbers of Apple products can be useful for a number of reasons. If you are interested in repairing your device yourself, determining which factory the device was manufactured in, or the date of manufacture, can help you to determine which replacement parts must be ordered to fix the device. Additionally, understanding the serial number structure can help you to troubleshoot issues with your device, as known issues can arise on products manufactured in certain factories or on certain dates.
More so, you say that to obtain the second half you add 26 to the number: this would make the first week of the second half week 27 -the same week is also identified as the last week of the first half, if you account for 27 symbols. 2ff7e9595c